"Apple Pie In A Jar"!
We made 2 batches, one for each of us. It took us just under 4 hours...whew...but this is stuff is oh~so~good!!!

The peeling, coring, slicing process. This handy gadget sure cut down on prep time and wear & tear on our hands!!
The syrup.............MMMMM....this stuff is so yummy!
*Caution! This Stuff Could Be Habit Forming!*
Just dipping sliced apples in it was delightful! The blend of cinnamon and nutmeg wafting up in the steam..........oh my.............are you drooling yet?!! Packed in the jar and ready for the syrup. (actually we had to fill the jars about half full, add syrup then more apples and syrup...but that wouldn't have been as nice a picture! LOL)
And here is our Apple Pie in a Jar............ready for a cold winter's day!!
(if I can wait that long!) As I was peeling apples, I looked up in Jennifer's window....here sat this angel with her arms full of apples........how perfect! Isn't she darling!!
Now, here's the recipe if you'd like to try this yourself. I guarantee you'll love it and want to make more! I think I'll make up some freezer packages too!
7 quarts peeled, cored, sliced apples
4 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup cornstarch
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
10 cups water
3 Tbs lemon juice
Peel, core, slice apples.
Fill quart jars with apples leaving 1 inch head space
Be sure to pack the apples in there, put a few in and smoosh down with the handle of a wooden spoon, then a few more and repeat.
Make syrup by combining sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, and water.
Over medium high heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly until syrup is thickened.
*we did this first so the syrup was ready to ladle into the jars
Add lemon juice.
Pour syrup over apples in jar, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
Be sure to run your plastic scraper around the inside of the jar to get the air bubbles out.
Place the lids on and screw the rings down just finger tight.
Process 20 minutes in boiling water bath.
Don't forget to save yourself some apple slices and a bowlful of syrup so you can put your feet up and enjoy!
Thanks for stopping!!
Oh my heavens this looks sinfully good! :) Sounds like it was a fun day!
I wish I was there to play with you girls, looks like so much fun!!!
Those pictures are stunning! And I can smell the syrup mix from here...
Oh My Goodness! The apple pie in a jar looks and sounds fantastic. Yummm...
This will be PERFECT for me to do with the basket of apples I have sitting here still waiting to be processed!
Is my room at your house ready yet, Dawn - just how the heck do you keep from weighing 300 pounds. Oh my gosh, thanks for sharing the recipe - I'm gonna make up some freezer bags!
OHHHHHH!!! Between you and Amber, I am NEVER going to lose weight!!
Wow! What a great idea!! I will have to try it.
What a wonderful recipe. The syrup looks like creamy caramel! My mom would love it! I have two of those wooden angels that friends have given me, they are so adorable! I keep one in my guest bathroom.
Hey Dawn! Love your blog..I visit it often! Especially love seeing all the stuff about the llama's. My friend has 15 llama's and we've become very attached to them! Anywho, I wanted to let you know that this past weekend my hubby & I tried your recipe for Apple Pie in a Jar! OMGosh, so delicious! Thank you for sharing it! :)
Have a great day!!
We have made this at my house for many years now.
Funny how it is so much more fun doing it with a friend. And gals, she's right on, it is as delicious as it looks in the picture, right when you are making it or months down the "road" when the flurries are flying outside. I have 6000 apples here myself which need good homes I only wish I could supply all your readers with the apples so they could make their own apple pie in a jar.
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