I still can't fathom doing this!!

We're home, happy to be back. Thanks for your notes and good wishes.
10- more states could be colored on the map on the fridge door: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma! YEAH!!
9- pies tested, calories non-applicable: blue ribbon to warm pumpkin caramel crisp, runner up to chocolate pecan, either with vanilla ice cream
8- new items on the ‘don’t care if I do’ list: starting the day at 26 degrees F, 6 days over the Ozarks, riding on sidewalks along busy roads, sleeping at the Shamrock Budget Motel, Granny’s Buffet for dinner, fresh asphalt shot-and-cover roadway, steady 30 mph headwinds, and 73 mile days
7- super diversions from days in the saddle: golf, friend/family wedding, Mammoth Cave, NHL hockey game, Nashville City Trolley Tour, Philbrook Art Gallery, and the Tulsa Ballet
6- bicycle touring essentials: bodyglide/bag balm, camelback cleanser, Kinesiotape, New Skin, really good dark chocolate, and a big bathtub, preferably with Jacuzzi jets.
5- new vegetable ideas I’ll never serve at my house: deep fried okra bits, deep fried squash coins, deep fried green tomato slices, deep fried corn on the cob, d-f macaroni and cheese squares, all served with Ranch dipping sauce (however, I have tasted the first three, dipped, and they were pretty tasty … sigh)
4- good company from GPS, ASUS(computer), AT&T, and TV along the way
3- rain days(only 3): one as tourists in St Paul (not bad), one cycling (boo ..), one being transferred by van (yeah!)
2- tandem cycling: I always know where George is
1- ongoing good health and joy with cumulative weight loss of 8lbs
Final Statistics: 1380 miles, 0 flats, coldest morning 26 degrees F, hottest day 93 degrees, longest day 73 miles, no stats available regarding cumulative altitude gain per day (estimated in the many-000’s, of course). 25 days cycling, 15 days other traveling, resting, and playing off the bike.
Hotel stats: 3 fabulous hotels, 2 awful hotels, mainly fair to good stays. B&B’s: one awful and 2 great and interesting. GPS led us astray a few times (eg, it did not know that County Roads in Arkansas are NOT paved, and mostly not even graveled). Rented car for crossing Illinois (we’d crossed it before) and another car getting to the wedding on time (Cincinnati to Louisville). Everything we spent: $5296 (air travel not included).
If you want to do this someday, we are happy to give you unvarnished advice. Love to all, Jane Sereda and George Kyriazis
OHHHH!! I need to let dh read this...he and his dad are all into this type of thing!! We do smaller "tours" of 4-7 days down the California coast every year. Mostly the same route, but never the same ride!! LOL!!
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